When we set out to build an inventory of unique, quality, American-made products that were non-toxic and affordable, we knew we didn't want to carry down and feather pillows. Most down and feather content is sourced from China and much of it is live-plucked, meaning they pull it right from the live animal, which, if you have no experience ever plucking a chicken, is excruciatingly painful to the animal.
Hence, we carry Kapok pillows. Kapok is an amazing material that is sourced directly from the kapok tree and requires no chemicals, no processing, nothing. Just pure and natural. The best part is the pillow has a very luscious silk feel. The naturally silk-like kapok comes from the pod of the exotic and tall Ceiba Pentandra tree in Southeast Asia, South American, and Tropical West Africa. This provides jobs in otherwise economically depressed areas and minimally impacts the area with no harm coming to the trees.
Here are some of the attributes of Kapok and our Kapok Pillows:
1.The heavenly soft feel
2. They have an organic cotton cover which is soft and durable
3. The lack of pressure on your ears when you lay down on the pillow as it compresses easily and rebounds slowly.
4. These pillows are machine washable and dryable!!
Kapok is a wonderful alternative to down and feather, is more durable, is hypo-allergenic and contains no synthetics. Made in the USA for Nest Bedding.
We recommend this pillow for anyone who enjoys a plush pillow that is also durable and low maintenance.
Washing instructions:
WASHING KAPOK PILLOW - Kapok was originally used in life jacket as it is water resistant so when you wash in other than a front loader, you need to fill washer and submerge. HEAVY FILL NOT RECOMMEND FOR MACHINE WASHING.DRY KAPOK PILLOW - Some washers cause the kapok to clump - before putting in dryer, through the cover, pull the kapok apart to allow the heat from the dryer to get to all the kapok. After about 30 minutes, do this same process again if there are any clumps. HEAVY FILL NOT RECOMMENDED FOR DRYER.
And of course, these pillows and more are available at Nest Bedding or at our store in the Albany Berkeley area of the San Francisco Bay Area. When you are searching for an organic, natural or certified mattress, latex organic or memory foam, pillow, blanket or sheets, check out Nest Bedding!