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Lifetime Renewal Exchange

A comfort layer exchange you can redeem once, at any time, to alter the feel of your mattress or to increase its lifespan (this option saves you time and money while reducing waste).

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Money In Your Mattress? Maybe Not.

When you go to your typical big box retailer and you look at the new mattresses, you are focused on what they want you to focus on: pricing, of course. The promotion they are running, if any, at the time. You are focused on the feel, picking out a mattress that feels great, and that is important as well. But what else should you be looking for when buying a mattress?

There are a few factors that can cause your new mattress to cost more than it is actually worth. Typically, what I have found through my experience selling many of the recognized name brands in the mattress business, is that you get about $75 to $100 worth of materials for every $1000 you spend at retail. Wouldn't you rather get more mattress for the price?

Here are some things to consider when shopping for a new mattress:

  • The first big factor that adds to the price of the mattress is the actual business model itself. The company selling the mattress has to factor in all of its expenses. What are those expenses, typically? Let's take a company local retailer like Sleep Train, for example. Sleep Train is a large retailer based out of Northern California with many, many stores. They have tons of salespeople. And a quick read of their Facebook page shows that they are hiring all the time, and announcing that they send their top producing salespeople on all expense paid trips to Hawaii. Now, they don't do that because they are a charity. The typical big box retailer has lots of expenses, such as 10 percent commission for the salesperson. They also have delivery trucks and personnel. They have a large warehouse and staff there. Then there is the expense of mass market advertising. Here in the San Francisco Bay Area, you cannot turn on a radio or local television advertising without hearing or seeing their ads, and that doesn't include online and print advertising. All those expenses have to be factored into the price of your new mattress.
  • Another factor to consider is that the company who made the mattress for the retailer, the big name brand mattress maker, they have a lot of expenses too. They have to buy the materials, pay people to make the mattresses, ship the mattresses in trucks, advertise their brand too, pay their sales reps to visit the stores...you get the picture? 
By the time you get that $2000 pillow top mattress at your local mall retailer or big box mattress store, you are buying a lot of stuff that isn't even in the mattress.

Now, let's look at Nest Bedding. At Nest Bedding, the very first thing we did was create a business model that is leaner and less expensive so we can charge you less for similar to better quality mattresses. For example, our memory foam mattresses are from a great company, Bed In A Box.com. They make their mattresses in Piney Flat Tennessee and they ship them via FedEx right to your doorstep. No huge warehouses, warehouse staff, delivery trucks and delivery staff. Next, we don't offer our staff extravagant trips to Hawaii or huge incentives to sell. We do however train them to find out what your issues are, train them to understand how our mattresses and sleep products can solve their issues. We don't try to SELL you anything, but our focus is helping you CHOOSE what is best for you. Our manufacturers are small mom and pop USA manufacturers who don't run large national ad campaigns and don't have reps out on the road. Also, we at Nest Bedding don't mass market on all the expensive TV and Radio stations, rather, we rely on our customers finding us through word of mouth, social media and researching the internet. 

When you buy a mattress at Nest Bedding, more of your money is in your mattress, not sunning itself of a beach in Hawaii!