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10 Fascinating Facts about Mattresses

Woman sleeping in bed with dust mites is just one of our fascinating facts about mattresses

Woman sleeping in bed with dust mites is just one of our fascinating facts about mattresses

Many people don't usually give their mattress a second thought once it's on their bed—unless they discover a problem with it. However, that block of springs and foam that you sleep on every night might be holding several intriguing secrets. So this week we're here to enlighten you with ten exciting and weird truths about mattresses. These fascinating facts about mattresses may even change the way you think about your bed!

1. Can You Recycle a Mattress?

You just bought a new mattress—but now what do you do with your old one? That's a good question! You could dump it in a landfill where all the other old mattresses are sent to die—but it'll be there for eons just wasting space. Another alternative is if your old bed is in decent condition, you could try donating or re-selling it. A better option is to recycle your old mattress.

The recycling business is growing every day. Fibers and wood make a good fuel source, fabrics and foams can be padding or other things, and metal and springs will have a new purpose.

There are plenty of companies and states that are calling for mattress recycling. Look on Earth911.com to find the nearest recycling facility for you. The facility will pick up your mattress for a small price.

2. Mattress Dominoes is a World Record Category

Yes, this is in the Guinness Book of World Records! How is the art of mattress dominoes performed? Well, it's very much like regular dominos—except people and mattresses are used. The beds are lined up with a person standing in front of each one. The game starts with the first person/mattress falling over—and then the fun begins!

The U.S. broke the world record in the early spring of 2016 in National Harbor, Maryland when Aaron's Inc., an electronics and appliance company, tipped over 1,200 mattress dominoes. But China took the world record back again that summer; Ayd Group and Stylution Int'l Corp. tipped 2,016 human mattress dominoes in Wuhan, Hubei. Wow!

3. You Share Your Bed with Creepy Crawly Critters

Are you ready for a disgusting—and possibly terrifying—mattress fact? There are thousands of tiny dust mites and their feces in the empty spaces and fabric of a used mattress—your mattress! The precise amount of dust mite build-up isn't known, but it's safe to say you're sharing your home with them!

Wherever you find people, animals, carpet and other fabrics you're going to have dust mites—particularly in humid locations. Dust mites also love to chill out in your pillows; they like to eat your dead skin cells you shed during the night. Yuck! They won't give you any diseases or bite you, but they'll make a person's asthma or allergies flare up.

So how can you decrease the amount of these little monsters? Wash all your bedding once each week in hot water and use covers for your pillows and mattress that are allergen-resistant. Also, get new pillows every one and a half years; but if you have allergies, you should replace your pillow every six months.

4. Ropes Supported Mattresses Long Ago

We are all familiar with the phrase, "Sleep tight." This phrase began a few centuries ago before developing box springs, and mattresses had to be held up on wooden frames by cross-woven ropes. That phrase started because people would need to consistently tighten the mattress ropes; otherwise, their mattresses would sag.

5. You May Not Need to Make Your Bed After All

Yes, you read that right. Even though your mom always ordered you to make your bed every morning before coming down to breakfast, she may have been—gasp—wrong! True, a nice bed does make your room look presentable and kickstart your morning, but Kingston University did a study that showed not making your bed could be healthier.

The theory is covering up your mattress with the blankets, quilt or comforter traps moisture and sweat in the mattress; this makes a lovely home for dust mites. Keep your sheets uncovered so they can get sunlight and air; doing so will dry the environment out, thus, killing the bugs.

6. Innerspring Mattresses Aren't Well-Liked

According to sleeplikethedead.com, 80% of all mattresses sold are innerspring mattresses. Surprisingly, only 63% like this type of mattress. That doesn't sound bad.

Well, it isn't until you compare it with the 79% satisfaction rate of those who own waterbeds and the 80% who like the ever-growing market of latex and memory foam mattresses.

7. Buying a Mattress on Sunday in One State Is Forbidden

Everyone knows Saturdays and Sundays are perfect mattress shopping days. However, there's one state that begs to differ. In Washington State, there's a bizarre law saying it's illegal to sell or buy a mattress on Sunday.

While it's not known when this law came into effect, we do know the law enforcement is lax.

8. Thieves Gravitate to Mattresses

Everyone's heard the old saying about hiding your money under your mattress. The problem is burglars have heard of it too. When someone breaks into your home, one of the first places they look for valuables is underneath a mattress.

Sleeping on top of your possessions could be harmful to your back. It's much safer if you keep your treasures in the bank or a fireproof safe in your home.

9. Every Mattress Is Required to Be Flameproof

For mattresses in the U.S., a federal law was formed in 2007 that stated every cushion needs to comply with flammability rules. It essentially means that all beds need to stand up to thirty seconds of open flame. But don't test this at home!

Why was this law created? There were too many fires from candles, neglected cigarettes, and other hazards. There's no regulation for how companies go about flame-proofing mattresses. So some consumers are worried that hazardous chemicals could be in this process, but compounds such as decaDBE and PBDE have been prohibited or eliminated. Many businesses are looking into fabric barriers and safer or "greener" flame-proofing steps.

The Consumer Products Safety Commission estimates that abiding by these specifications could prevent 1,330 injuries and save 270 lives each year.

10. You Shed and Sweat Nightly

It's sad but true. Not only do you have dust mites populating your mattress, but it also has your sweat, dead skin cells, and saliva.

A large portion of the millions of skin cells you shed every day will end up on your mattress; after all, you spend a third of your life sleeping, right? Let's not forget that you can also sweat between a few milliliters to one liter each night! All of that sweat will wind up on your mattress as well—gross!

So what can you do about it? Purchase an allergen-resistant mattress cover. Your mattress will be protected from soaking up shed skin, saliva and sweat. The best part is you can wash the mattress cover once or twice a month to maintain a clean and healthy bed.

We hope you enjoyed reading these fascinating facts about mattresses as much as we enjoyed researching and writing them! If you need a new mattress or would like more info about them, please contact us.