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Lifetime Renewal Exchange

A comfort layer exchange you can redeem once, at any time, to alter the feel of your mattress or to increase its lifespan (this option saves you time and money while reducing waste).

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Sleep Doctor At Your Service

  • Why Do I Sleep Better In A Hotel Bed? feature image

    Why Do I Sleep Better In A Hotel Bed?

    I hear it time and time again: "I was on vacation/traveling for work and slept better than in my bed at home." Spending the night on a different mattress other than the one you have at home can drive home the fact that your current mattress is in dire need of replacing. However, some people assume it is because the mattress they are on in the hotel is so good and will actually go to great lengths to find out the make and model of the hotel mattress or even buy one from the hotel. Is this a good idea?