This Is How to Get Rid of Neck Pain While You Sleep

Every year, more than 30% of American adults suffer from neck pain. Neck pain ranges from mild discomfort to needing medical intervention.
Neck pain prevention is a top priority. It is usually possible to do it yourself, with a few lifestyle changes and home treatments.
You can break down neck pain treatments into day and night. A few adjustments to improve how you sleep, and a few tools to help you during the day, and your neck pain should clear up.
Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about how to get rid of neck pain.
Causes of Neck Pain
There are a few different types of neck pain. These are often different manifestations of the same problems.
Most people's work involves hunching over desks or workbenches of some kind. And in their spare time, people are usually looking down at their phones. And then when they go to sleep, they don't have the right sleeping gear and end up straining their necks even more.
Some neck pain is caused by injuries, infections, or diseases. If that's the case, different corrections are needed. But for the most common causes of neck pain, there are some simple solutions.
How to Get Rid of Neck Pain While Sleeping
Neck pain that is so bad that you have trouble sleeping is normal. Sometimes how we sleep is actually where the neck pain problems started.
Incorporate some of these changes into how you're sleeping, and this should reduce your neck pain. Be patient, changes won't happen overnight.
Adjust Your Pillows
Pillows have a huge variety in their size, how firm they are, and what their purpose is. If you're sleeping on a pillow that was designed for another use, this could cause neck strain.
For example, stiffer and higher pillows are designed for sleeping on your side, which is why they are taller. But if you're sleeping on your back and using one of these pillows, your neck is straining all night to reach the pillow. This long-term strain leads to discomfort and pain during your waking hours.
Different types of pillows also have different benefits. Feather pillows are wonderful for neck pain because they are easily shaped to the neck. Unfortunately, these pillows flatten over time and need replacement more regularly.
Memory foam pillows are another good option because they also shape around the neck and head. You can even get specialized memory foam pillows with indents to allow for more support.
To check out our range of pillows, click here.
Adjust Your Mattress
Like pillows, choosing the right mattress is important. You need a mattress with the right firmness and support for you.
There is a range of levels of support and material you can choose from for a mattress. A lot of people choose a mattress because of its price tag, but this isn't a good approach.
A good mattress is vital for reducing back and neck strain while you sleep. Make sure you're investing in what you need. To check out our range of mattresses, click here.
Sleeping Posture and Position
Some sleeping positions are bad for your neck and back. And while they may be comfortable while you fall asleep, staying in that position for long periods can cause long-term discomfort. This is why your neck and back become sore.
Try to note how you're falling asleep, or in what position you're waking. The best sleep positions are on your back or on your side. Sleeping on your stomach is almost guaranteed to give you neck problems.
Keeping your arms at your sides is also better for your neck. When you tuck your hands up near your face, it tenses or pulls your shoulders. This means the neck strains as a result.
It can take a while to adjust to new sleeping positions, so don't be disappointed if it doesn't happen immediately. A good sleeping position is a huge help for reducing neck pain and other body pain, too!
How to Get Rid of Neck Pain During the Day
There are a few home remedies to get rid of neck pain that you can do during the day.
Exercises to help stretch out and strengthen your neck muscles are a great way to do this. This way, you work out any neck tension and strengthen your neck so it isn't hurt as easily in the future.
Using supportive tools is another good pain reduction approach. Adding back support to your chairs and using spine-correcting pillows and braces are the most popular choices for this.
Lastly, work to correct your posture. Like adjusting sleeping positions, this will take some time. You need discipline and awareness to adjust your posture, but once you get it right, your neck will thank you.
When To Get Medical Help
If you've tried these home management tips to reduce neck pain, and they're not working, it might be time to seek medical intervention. Your neck might be under too much strain to fix it yourself.
It could also be that the cause of your neck pain is more than just posture and sleeping positions. This is where a doctor or medical professional can help you figure out your next step.
Reducing Neck Pain
When there are so many possible sources, figuring out how to get rid of neck pain is a mission. But, if you implement these changes, you're going to see huge improvements.
There's no quick fix to neck pain. Addressing how you're damaging your neck while you sleep and while you're awake will help you slowly correct these problems. And remember, getting medical help is always an option.
Contact us for all your sleeping comfort needs!